THE BOOKThe_Book.html

copyright© mariannemeyer, 2014

popodyssey tour                                                            2001

This page breaks with tradition in a few ways:

  1. 1.While most of the set lists posted on this site are obtained personally or shared by someone known to the site, this one was purchased on ebay.

  2. 2.Likewise, the photos are usually all taken by Marianne. These are stock photos. (No rights claimed and any/all will be removed if any of the photographers wish.)

This is a truly unique set list for the site (so far) - you’re looking at the front and back of a small (2x3) laminated card that hung by a lanyard around the neck of a “Pyro “ (roadie in charge of fireworks) on  ‘N Sync’s PopOdyssey Tour of 2001-2002. 
Two things to note: the lanyard holes are on the bottom so that the card will hang upside down - easier for the roadie to look down and read. 
And the flip side is a list of all the radio channels for the different crews working backstage.Black_Prairie_photos.html